Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dodger Bleu...

Wow, we knew he bled Dodger blue, but uh, perhaps... It all good, just as long as he's home on time for dinner.

J-Roll has...

a little bit of Big Hurt in him, eh?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Papi tells it how it is. (a.k.a. no he didn't)

Papi says-
"I don't remember what Matsuzaka looked like till I saw him this winter," Ortiz said. "I always tell people that everybody looks the same to me in Japan. Which is cool, man."

and when asked how he will tell his two Japanese teammates apart--

"I know there's going to be one pitching every five days and another one coming into the game every day."

Apparently, Papi also believes Matsuzaka owns a diner named Arnold's and runs a car manufacturing plant with Micheal Keaton in the off season.

more GYROBALL...

I wish I was a wiffle bat wielding scientist.

the Wikipedia defines...


GYROBALL sighting...

Seems TeJas Ranger pitcher and as it turns out amatuer pitch inventor C.J. Wilson is taking a stab at the mysterious GYROBALL.

Monday, February 19, 2007

1929 World Series Philadelphia A's vs. Chicago Cubs


Steve Goodman - Dying Cub Fans Last Request

Sorry, this is a repost. I guess you can't add labels to You Tube stuff.

If this were a real fantasy league ...

I could pick this kid first:

1929 World Series Philadelphia A's vs. Chicago Cubs

This is pretty sweet. And it is worth watching the whole thing to see the fans walk across the field at the end of the game along with great outside the ball park footage.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Spring is Here!

Yahoo goes live on February 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!